Sunday, February 3, 2013


So the last two days have been rough, when the previous days had been pretty good with Matthew... I am trying to figure out if it is because he was running a fever last night and didn't feel well, or if dairy may be something else he is intolerant to. As he had cottage cheese yesterday morning (because I had bought some at the store after not having it for a long time because I don't eat it anymore - but I was seeking more things that Matthew could eat and liked...) and then he had a bowl of cereal (rice chex) this morning with a bunch of milk with it...

Yesterday he was very sensitive - like run to his room if anyone looked at him funny, as well as lashing out at others over silly things...

Today he was bawling, very, very upset on our way to go over to the local middle school for me to do a long walk while he and his sisters played around over there... He was bawling because his helmet wasn't on his handlebars to his bike where he had left it... It was the type of crying that you would expect if your puppy got lost, or your world ended... I felt so bad for him, and really, really want to figure out what the trigger was...  (While feeling bad for him, I kept worrying that we were having such a setback that we were going to have resort to meds...  which made me sad...  I hope we can figure out how to help with other things and we don't have to go that route.)

So I am here documenting it and we will try to keep him off of dairy for this week (he does fine if it is small amounts in cooked items and cheese - but it seems to be straight dairy - milk and cottage cheese that doesn't work well) and then let him try it again and see if it is a trigger. Otherwise I am missing something else that is different that would cause this...

One day at a time...

On a great note his blood test came back negative for celiac's disease. Which still leave us open for a gluten or some set of foods that he is intorant of, but way easier to manage than celiac's.

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