Sunday, January 27, 2013

Learning to Slow Down

So we may have figured out that the elimination of wheat reduces Matthew's symptoms of having ADHD, but we still know that there are skills that he will need to refine to succeed in school with his classwork and his social interactions.

I did a bunch of searching on Amazon about books related to ADHD, reading the reviews left by other readers as well as articles on the internet that referenced a particular book.  Learning to Slow Down and Pay Attention - by Nadeau & Dixon.  Reviewers said that it was a great book for children in general, not just those with ADHD... So I was sold...  We just started reading it and got through a section that had Matthew check off things on a checklist of how he feels...

I thought it would be interesting to share those things here...  There are a lot of them...

At School

  • It is hard to sit at my desk
  • I forget to raise my hand
  • I can't seem to keep my books and papers organized
  • I often forget my assignments
  • I have trouble getting started on my work in class
  • My desk is usually a big mess
  • I forget to hand in my homework
  • Even when I try to listen, sometimes I start thinking about something else
  • A lot of time I feel bored in class
  • I'd like school a lot more if I could work on things I am interested in
  • My handwriting is pretty messy
  • I think I'm pretty smart when I get to do the things I like
  • I think I've got a good imagination
  • My teacher says I bother the other kids too much (though Matthew stated this has improved since going wheat free)
  • Sometimes I get in trouble for talking in class
With other kids
  • Sometimes I get angry at other kids and I start name-calling or even fighting
  • My feelings are hurt very easily - more than other kids'
  • Some of my friends are younger than I am
  • I don't know why, but sometimes other kids don't want to play with me
  • Sometimes kids pick on me and tease me
  • I wish I had more friends
  • Sometimes I feel sad and left out
  • It's easy to be friends at first, but pretty soon they're not my friends anymore
About myself
  • My life would be wonderful if there was no such thing as school
  • I worry that I'm not as smart as other kids in reading or writing or math
  • I want other kids to like me more
  • Sometimes I think something is wrong with me, but I don't know what it is
  • I wish I didn't get upset so easily
  • I feel frustrated because my schoolwork takes so long
  • I lose things and forget things, no matter how hard I try not to
  • I hate it when people tease me
  • Sometimes I feel different from the other kids - kind of left out
  • I wish my parents and my teachers would notice more of the GOOD things about me!
At home
  • I have lots of arguments with my brother or sister
  • I always have trouble getting started on my homework
  • I have lots of trouble getting up and ready for school on time
  • I hate to be bugged about doing homework and chores
  • My room is a big mess (but he noted it is much cleaner since going WF)
  • I have trouble falling asleep at night
  • I worry about school and sometimes get stomachaches and wish I could stay home
What I wish other people knew
  • I don't lose or forget things on purpose
  • I hate it when people tell me I am not trying
  • Lots of the time it's really confusing to be me
  • I don't mean to do things that get others kids mad at me
  • I want my mom and dad to be proud of me
That was a long post - but it shares how Matthew feels about things at this point...

I will share more that we learn from the book as we go through it - it isn't all that long, but they suggest to break it up into parts...

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